If you are a designer or graphic designer, you have come across texts known as Lorem Ipsum. Lorem Ipsum is a fictional and meaningless text that is used to test fonts or fill spaces in a graphic design or printing industry. Web and graphic designers use this text to fill the page and present the overall shape of the design.
When designing a website template, website designers usually face the issue that the main content of the pages is not ready. As a result, the overall design does not give the user a correct view. If the designer wants to look for related texts, his focus will be taken away from the main work and this will be time-consuming. The designer also wants to ask others for their opinion about the design after presenting the work and does not want people to focus on the existing texts.
Since Lorem Ipsum is very similar to real text, designers usually use Lorem Ipsum only to show the client or employer how the designed template will look after the text is placed in it and how the fonts and sizes are considered.
The next point about fake Lorem Ipsum text is that some website designers and graphic artists, after creating the template and content they want, forget to remove the Lorem text from different parts of the site or replace it with another text. For this reason, we often encounter websites where the Lorem Ipsum text is still present in the corners of their pages and has not been removed, which indicates the designers’ negligence.
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Lorem Ipsum is a fabricated text with an unintelligible simplicity produced by the printing industry and used by graphic designers. Printers and texts, but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as required…